Attention! Earth sucks now and we should Probably leave.
Attention! Earth sucks now and we should Probably leave.
Attention! Earth sucks now and we should Probably leave.
Attention! Earth sucks now and we should Probably leave.

earth is so Over,

it's time to bail

sorry guys

All the parties

got super tacky

we simply can not

be caught dead here

we want you to ride with us*

Sharon's dad got us a chill rocket that's way nicer than David's or lyft. (lol ew can u imagine? )

*unless ur some kinda nerd, in which case we fucking don't

the parties suck now

I just can't hang with these losers. Like last week Kevin had a party at his house (lol) and not one person was wearing a rolled up beanie. I'm not even joking.

reasons we should leave earth
There's nothing cool anymore

What does earth even have? Trees? Trees are dumb. Animals are so 2009 and pyramids are derivative. Like come on people, it's not that hard!

It's full of posers

If you say you like an obscure avant garde film, you should be able to name 7 of of that director's other films! Like why would you lie about that? So cringey!

there's no food

Like I swear the tasting menus here are trash. Six courses? It sounds cool the food tastes like it's trying too hard, you know? I think I'll just starve.

avenge me

bye whatever

OFf to find a chiller vibe

Someone else did it

look, They're fine.

Remember to follow us

We'll be posting like every day so you can feel bad about staying